Most, if not, all of us would agree that children should feel safe at school. For some children, their school is possibly the only place in which they feel safe outside their own homes. With a large number of students and teachers, educational institutions need an efficient safety management plan to help support their safety processes.

School jurisdictions (as required by the relevant Regulations and Standards) are working hard to provide a safe and supportive school environment. As outlined in the Educational And Care Regulations 2011, an authorised provider/institution of education and care service must ensure that a copy of the emergency and evacuation floor plan as well as instructions are displayed in a prominent position near each exit of the premises. Regular onsite training can also provide a sense of comfort and support not only to the staff, but also to the students. Sufficient communication methods coupled with regular practice is an effective formula for awareness. These procedures can be relevant to emergencies in and out the school premises.

Is our School Prepared?

Schools must have a current Emergency Management Plan (EMP) that contains a risk assessment report that addresses hazards and potential threats to the school. This ensures the safety of all staff, students and school visitors in the event of an emergency.  Australian Standards 3745-2010 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities indicates that: All facilities must ensure they have implemented the requirements of this standard and the subsequent amendments published in 2014 and 2018. These requirements include:

  • Emergency Plans
  • Evacuation Diagrams
  • Annual Training and Evacuations
  • A Warden structure or Emergency Control Organisation
  • An Emergency Planning Committee

Is our School Compliant?

Schools should seek advice from local emergency management providers when considering their emergency management procedures. The providers should have experienced and qualified consultants capable of providing guidance around your school’s Emergency Management Plan.

Workplace Emergency Management is equipped with friendly and qualified consultants who specialise in safety management with a focus on education and care facilities. Our team can provide a simple and cost-effective means to ensure your Emergency Plans and Evacuation Diagrams are compliant and simple to follow. When providing training, our consultants know how to keep your team engaged during our interactive and entertaining training sessions.

Not only can Workplace Emergency Management ensure your compliance, but we can provide your team, your students, and your parents with the assurance that you are prepared to cover all circumstances when the school is faced with an emergency.


If you require training or guidance around Emergency Management at your school, give our friendly team a call on 1300 831 694.


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